SafetyAI: Augmenting Driving Experts
Technology Harsimrat Sandhawalia Technology Harsimrat Sandhawalia

SafetyAI: Augmenting Driving Experts

SafetyAI is an end-to-end nominal safety model, trained without any segmentation masks, object bounding boxes or traffic signs. At the intersection of imitation learning and large language models, SafetyAI is trained on demonstrations from driving instructors and tuned to be aligned with their preferences logged during student driving lessons.

With an inherent world model, SafetyAI can generate future camera frames and adapt itself when its prediction of the future deviates from reality, thus making it versatile.

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In Safe Hands: A New Gold Standard of Safety Validation
Technology Soren Nissen Technology Soren Nissen

In Safe Hands: A New Gold Standard of Safety Validation

Yaak is building a global network of 10.000+ local experts – Driving instructors & Driving test examiners, and is making them part of the autonomous future. Based on the drive data and insights, Yaak is developing a Generative Safety AI that can score the level of safety, detect driving mistakes and explain why it was a driving mistake – with unprecedented accuracy. We believe the expert network and Safety AI will finally unlock the ability to validate autonomous systems with the required level of accuracy, at scale.

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